Digicollect API v1 documentation

Urgent calls

An urgent call is initiated by the site manager to contact all fundraisers via their mobile phone.

List all Urgent calls

Get a list of urgent calls for the current site.

GET /v1/urgent-calls

The result will be returned as JSON with an urgent_calls key. This will be an array with objects containing Urgent call attributes.

Curl example:

curl -H "X-Api-Key: 12345" https://api.digicollect.nl/v1/urgent-calls

Example response body:

  "urgent_calls": [
      "id": 1,
      "created_at": "2017-07-07T13:55:43Z",
      "updated_at": "2017-07-07T13:55:43Z",
      "message": "This is an urgent matter!"
  "links": {
    "pages": {
      "last": "https://api.digicollect.nl/v1/urgent-calls?page=5&per_page=1",
      "next": "https://api.digicollect.nl/v1/urgent-calls?page=2&per_page=1"
  "total_entries": 5,
  "total_pages": 5,
  "per_page": 1,
  "current_page": 1

Retrieve a single Urgent call

Retrieve a single urgent call for the current site. An urgent call can be queried by ID.

GET /v1/urgent-calls/1

The result will be returned as JSON with an urgent_call key. This will be an object containing Urgent call attributes.

Curl example:

curl -H "X-Api-Key: 12345" https://api.digicollect.nl/v1/urgent-calls/1

Example response body:

  "urgent_call": {
    "id": 1,
    "created_at": "2017-07-07T13:55:43Z",
    "updated_at": "2017-07-07T13:55:43Z",
    "message": "This is an urgent matter!"

Urgent call attributes

An urgent_call response object contains the following attributes:

Name Type Description
id number Unique identifier for this urgent call.
created_at string The time (ISO 8601 format) when the urgent call was created.
updated_at string The time (ISO 8601 format) when the urgent call was last updated.
message string The message (max 160 characters).